$UICIDEBOY$: New World Depression (Coke Bottle Vinyl)

New World Depression (Coke Bottle Vinyl)
LP (Long Play)

Die gute alte Vinyl - Langspielplatte.

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EUR 28,99*

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    • Label: G59
    • Bestellnummer: 11811513
    • Erscheinungstermin: 14.6.2024

    Weitere Ausgaben von New World Depression

    • Tracklisting
    • Mitwirkende


    1. 1 Lone Wolf Hysteria
    2. 2 Mental Clarity is a Luxury I Can't Afford
    3. 3 The Thin Grey Line
    4. 4 Thorns
    5. 5 Misery in Waking Hours
    6. 6 Burgundy
    7. 7 Transgressions
    8. 8 Are You Going to See the Rose in the Vase, or the Dust on th
    9. 9 All of My Problems Always Involve Me
    10. 10 The Light at the End of the Tunnel for $999 a Month
    11. 11 Drag 'em to the River (Totalitarian Remix)
    12. 12 Us Vs Them
    13. 13 Kill Yourself V